Tuesday, August 7, 2012

How Dads can volunteer...

Here are some suggestions of things dads can do at their child's school.  Remember, you can always make other suggestions that are not listed here.  This list (partly) was taken from suggestions from Duval County Public Schools (www.duvalschools.org)

1. Assist with field trips
2. Play games at recess
3. Set up science experiments
4. Work in the clinic
5. Work in the media center
6. Volunteer in their after school program
7. Make props for plays
8. Supervise test taking session
9. Work with a handicapped child
10. Discuss careers and hobbies
11. Help young children with physical activities
12. Assist in vocational classes
13. Assist in sporting events
14. Serve on the PTA
15. Serve on the School Advisory Council
16. Lead or assist with landscaping projects
17. Create a classroom newsletter
18. Make booths for the School Carnival, Health Fair, etc.

Remember these are some suggestions, there are alot of other things you can do.
Have a Great School Year!!!!

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